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To achieve this end, the  Asha Devi college of Pharmacy has an excellent strategic plan, one that builds on the legacy of success provided by the  Bhai Nitin Kumar Education And Social Welfare Trust in providing quality education to the country and combining academic excellence with an unprecedented commitment to innovation, quality and service so that each constituent college of the  Bhai Nitin Kumar Education And Social Welfare Trust  is the best amongst its peers and is recognized as such.

We are happy to say that the  Asha Devi college of Pharmacy has focused its attention on key priorities:

  • Develop  Asha Devi College of Pharmacy into the national`s premier institution in the area of health care to provide a globally competent workforce.
  • Develop resources required for pharmacy excellence.
  • Accelerate Internationalization in a responsible manner through continued excellence and international partnership in pharmacy profession.
  • With the help of our dedicated, talented faculty and staff, Board of Management and others, we are confident Saint Soldier college of Pharmacy will succeed.
  • This is your  Asha Devi college of Pharmacy and the legacy of greatness that we must carry forward belongs to our future generations.
  • Sh. Ram Pratap Poonia
  • Chairman